Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How to Teach a Dog to Play Dead

So how to teach a dog to play dead is actually very easy.The way to success in teaching your dog tricks is patience, practice, praise, and persistence.

To teach your dog to play dead, first give the DOWN command. Notice the side to which he is leaning. From this position, give the command of PLAY DEAD and gently push him over until he is lying on that side.

Offer verbal praise and a belly rub until he is comfortable in this position. Repeat the exercise until your pet rolls onto his side on his own. Follow with a small food treat.

Continue to practice this over and over.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Easy Tricks to Teach Your Dog

Here are some easy tricks to teach your dog, the dog training 101.Dogs love to please and learning cool tricks is just as much fun for them as doing them for you later. And a performing dog can be a great partner for meeting new friends at the dog park. Just remember to keep repeating the tricks and rewarding your dog with treats and praise until it learns

When I do yoga my dog loves to STRETCH with me, so with your dog in a standing position, kneel in front and place your left hand under the dog’s stomach.

With a treat in the other hand, coax the dog to put its nose to the ground while you say “Stretch.” Keep the dog from lying down with your left hand and give the treat when it finishes the bow.

Get your dog’s attention and show him that you have a treat in your hand.
Hold the treat in front your dog’s nose.
Say your dog’s name followed by the word “down,” spoken clearly and firmly.
Slowly move the treat towards the ground.
As soon as your dog’s elbows and hocks are on the ground, say “good down” in an upbeat tone.
Give your dog the treat followed by petting and praising and repeat 5-6 times

While on a carpet or grass, get your dog  to sit and then into the down position. Kneel on one side and gently roll the dog over while saying “Roll over.” When the dog finishes rolling, give the treat.

This is a great trick for younger dogs but give seniors with bad backs a break and just give them the treat.

Remember positive reinforcement and repetition to shape new tricks. There is no place for excessive force or intimidation in any dog training - especially when it comes to teaching fun dog tricks.

Check out the free videos on how to teach EASY TRICKS TO TEACH YOUR DOG.


Choose one simple word for the bark command. The word should be easy to remember and used consistently. Good choices: "speak," "bark" or "talk."

Choose one simple word for the quiet command. This word should also be easy to remember and used consistently. Good choices: "enough," "quiet," or "hush."

When your dog barks, briefly acknowledge it by checking for the source (look out the window or door, go to your dog). Then, get her attention with a clap, whistle or similar sound.

Immediately after the barking stops, say your quiet command in a firm, audible and upbeat voice while giving a treat.

Practice the "quiet" command frequently. You can do this anytime she barks, but keep sessions brief.

Once your dog seems to understand "quiet," you can move onto the bark command.

Create a situation that will cause your dog to bark. The best method is to have a friend ring the doorbell or knock on the door. As this occurs, say your speak command in a clear, upbeat voice.

After your dog barks 2-3 times in a row, say "good speak!" in a clear, upbeat voice while giving a treat.

Repeat the speak command process several times until your dog seems to understand.

Once your dog learns "speak" and "quiet" separately, you can use them together - have your dog speak a few times, then tell her to be quiet.

Check out the free videos on how to teach EASY TRICKS TO TEACH YOUR DOG.

Teach Your Dog to Shut the Door

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Dog Commands

Your dog can learn Dog Commands very easily, but you must take a little bit of time out of your day to teach them a new trick each week. Train your dog to sit, stay, lie down, and come when called. With a little practice, your dog will master the basics and have a solid foundation to begin learning more advanced commands.


Having a dog can be one of the most rewarding relationships in your life or it could be one of the most frustrating…

Jumping on your guests and running everywhere uncontrollably…

Barking at and chasing cars, neighbors, and other dogs…

Chewing and Destroying your furniture and eliminating everywhere but the right spot…

And that's just a few of the problems that you may have to deal with every single day!

Do you feel like just giving up because your dog just won't behave no matter what you do?

Are you exhausted and even embarrassed from having to wait until your dog is finally asleep to have any peace and quiet around the house?

Don't worry, you're not alone, and I have great news for you!

Over the last 12 years of training literally hundreds of dogs of every age, breed and personality, including the worst behaved dogs you can imagine, I have developed and refined a special training system you can do at home that can transform your dog into a wonderful companion.

You may be surprised…

Make sure you have a look at these Free Videos on training your Dog Commands today.

Smiling Dog
Dog Commands